Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are the Top 100 CEOs Playing in the Sandbox?

An article in Reuters led me to some fascinating research by Ü which examined who among 2009’s Fortune 100 CEOs were using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, or had a blog. The stunning conclusion: they were mostly absent from the rapidly growing social media community.

People continue to spend more time on social networking and blog sites than ever before, according to Nielsen, with total minutes increasing 82% year-over-year and the average time per person increasing 67% year-over-year. Yet the ÜBERCEO study found only two CEOs with Twitter accounts. Eighty-one percent of chief executives did not have a personal Facebook page. Only 13 had profiles on the professional networking site LinkedIn. Three-quarters of the CEOs did have some kind of Wikipedia entry, but nearly a third of those had limited or outdated information, such as incorrect titles, or failed to provide sources. While some CEOs contribute to other blogs, not one Fortune 100 chief executive had his or her own blog.

While not every CEO has the skills, inclination or regulatory freedom to blog, it’s worth remembering that the social media represent a powerful opportunity for a company — or virtually any other entity— to really connect with its most important stakeholders.

Technorati Tags: Reuters, Ü, social media, Fortune 100 , Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, blogMakovsky, Public Relations


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