Thursday, October 21, 2010

PR for Vegetables

My mom always made me eat my vegetables, even when I tried to push them away, so eating veggies ultimately became a habit. Yet, last month it was reported in The New York Times that only 26% of U.S. adults had three or more servings a day of vegetables — only half the percentage that public health officials had hoped for, based on goals set a decade ago. This was disappointing news because of the multiple benefits that vegetables provide.

While I have not checked the government's tactics in its campaign to promote vegetables, here are some ideas that might increase the number of Americans that are eating these healthy foods more often:

• Packaged vegetable vending machines replace candy bar vending.
• Lunch requirements at all public schools: a minimum of two vegetables for every student (not including ketchup and French fries!).
• Develop and promote a “Reddy Kilowatt” –style advertising symbol as a “vegetable value” reminder — and apply to all packages of vegetables.
• Encourage expanded PR campaigns via vegetable associations of every stripe.
• Health classes to teach the value of vegetables at elementary, junior and high school levels.
• Physician and celebrity endorsements of vegetable benefits used in publicity and ads — online and with traditional media.
• Add to Oprah’s list: “Top Ten” vegetable cook books (note one on every show).
• A pledge from pediatricians and internists to cover nutrition (with an emphasis on veggies) at every check-up.
• Benefits of vegetables – on menus in all relevant restaurants.

Technorati Tags: The New York Times, vegetables,Oprah’s list, public relations, business, communications, Makovsky


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