Monday, March 21, 2011

More CEO Education Needed

Burger King Vinyl Mask

“The food is terrible and the women are not very attractive.”

Sounds like a casual remark that any guy might make to another guy, and it might have been. But it was actually made about the U.K. by the CEO of Burger King, in a speech at the University of Chicago, referring to the fact that there were few distractions long ago during his MBA studies at the University of Warwick in the U.K. Suddenly, the internet came alive, particularly British chefs, women at the University of Chicago and the University of Warwick, and then it spread wildly.

The CEO apologized to anyone offended by his remark and called it “a humorous anecdote to connect with his audience.” (I would dare say that his public relations advisors never sanctioned the remark in advance.) For too many CEOs, social media and its impact have still not been “accepted” in the C-Suite. Anecdotal evidence shows that significant CEO education continues to be required. It is all the more reason why all CCOs (Chief Communications Officers) need to report directly to their CEOs. Right now, only 42% do.

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