Monday, June 19, 2006

Podcasting: Closing the Gap

Think what else the internet has wrought: two friendly competitors joining forces to optimize creative thinking for those on both the corporate and agency sides. It’s pretty revolutionary … and we all can only be the better for it!

Steve Cody of Peppercom gave me a call last week and said, "Ken, let's do a joint podcast. Makovsky surveyed Fortune 1000 senior executives on corporate blogging, which revealed their hesitancy about the medium, and we surveyed PR and Marketing Directors who were strongly in favor of executives blogging. How do we close that gap?"

I thought it was a great idea. And so, last Friday, we recorded our first joint installment of RepChatter and MakTalk: "Closing the Gap."

Listen to the podcast posted on our website for a lively discussion between Steve and myself and hear our proposed solutions as well as some irreverent off-the-cuff banter!

As we know, podcasting is a terrific opportunity from a branding standpoint. In effect, podcasting is a chance for our clients to help PR firms like ours shape our brands and reinforce the values we espouse. And it’s not just a one-off communications initiative; podcasting can actually help us enhance our service offerings. As podcast guests, prospective clients can dialogue with us, giving us a live "needs assessment."

In fact, in the next installment of our joint podcast, Steve and I will be inviting a corporate PR director to help us interpret the "gap" and share their views about how best to close it.

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